Archive for category: Strength

The Secret of Savasana Yoga

What You Need To Know About Savasana Yoga Savasana Yoga – Have you ever thought of sneaking out of a yoga class before the final pose Savasana? It might be tempting to leave early but read further to find out why you should stay for the last pose and most importantly why it is such an importan...


Burn Booty Barre Classes at YogaHub

YogaHub’s Burn Booty Barre Classes You might have heard it already, but we would like to proudly introduce to you our ‘Burn Booty Barre’ class! Read further to find out what it is about, benefits and how to get started. The popularity of booty barre classes is internationally incre...


The Key Benefits of Doing Yoga Regularly

Yoga has scientifically shown to be beneficial for our physical and emotional health. The list of key benefits yoga is uncountable. That’s why we decided to list the 8 most impressive benefits that you can gain from doing yoga regularly. Some studies describe that doing yoga for one hour a week over...


Personal Coach Olivia Barclay at Strand Fitness!

Strand Fitness Personal Coach Olivia Barclay Personal Coach Olivia Barclay recently joined the Strand Fitness Team as a Personal Coach! Liv has a cert 3 and 4 in fitness. Her passion for the fitness industry will push your limits and bring you closer to the goals that you deserve!   Do you want...


The Les Mills BODYBALANCE Yoga

What is BODYBALANCE? Les Mills BODYBALANCE will improve your mind, your body, and your life with motivating bends. Discussed below is why you should do yoga routines and the benefits of BODYBALANCE Yoga. The class is based on yoga movements, accompanied by inspiring soundtracks and open for all fitn...