Archive for category: Uncategorized

Benefits of Chromotherapy

What is Chromotherapy? Chromotherapy is a type of light therapy that uses visible light. This type of light therapy is used to help alter one’s mood as well as improve their health. Some of the benefits from Chromotherapy include: Eases depression and anxiety Improves mood Improves sleep Boosts ener...


How was your 2022?

As most of us have some down time over the holiday period and new years approaches, it can be a good time to reflect on the year that has passed. Not only to acknowledge all the growth you’ve seen, but also to help you work towards an everyday life that you enjoy! Specifically, were there any areas...


Run for CORES

4 X 4 X 48 FOR CORES This 4th – 6th of November, Strand Fitness is proud to sponsor a local Townsville group of friends who are challenging themselves to run 4 miles every 4 hours for 48 hours in efforts to raise money for Australian charity CORES.  The group decided to take part in this run a...


What’s happening at Strand Fitness Central?

What’s on at Strand Fitness Central?!   As you may have seen, Strand Fitness Central has some very exciting things happening lately! There is so much going on we thought we would give you a rundown of what’s been happening and what’s to come!    EQUIPMENT ARRIVING!!!  Cen...