

What are endorphins?

Endorphins; what exactly are they? Ever feel amazing after a good, hard workout?

You may have heard that your “high” is caused by tiny neurochemicals released by your body. These neurochemicals are called endorphins. While endorphins might make you feel good after a long jog, there’s a lot more to know about the role they play in regulating your body.

The word endorphin comes from putting together the two words;
  1. Endogenous – meaning from within the body
  2. Morphine – which is an opiate pain reliever

In other words, endorphins got their name because they are natural pain relievers.

Endorphins consist of a large group of peptides. They are produced by the central nervous system and the pituitary gland. Since endorphins act on the opiate receptors in our brains, they reduce pain and boost pleasure. Thus resulting in a feeling of well-being. Endorphins are released in response to pain or stress. However they’re also released during other activities like eating, exercise or sex.

What is the purpose of endorphins?

Not all of the roles endorphins play in the body are completely understood. We do know that endorphins are important to reduce pain and enhance pleasure. Endorphins are involved in our natural reward circuits and are related to important activities like eating, drinking, physical fitness and sexual intercourse. Endorphins also surge during pregnancy. They minimize discomfort and pain and maximize pleasure. This helps us to continue functioning despite injury or stress.

Since humans naturally seek to feel pleasure and avoid pain, we’re more likely to do an activity if it makes us feel good. From an evolutionary standpoint, this helps ensure survival.

Humans are social creatures, and we thrive in communities. Endorphins have been shown to also help reinforce social attachments. While this may not be entirely true anymore, in early human history, people who stuck together in social groups were better able to survive and reproduce.

Benefits of endorphins.

Alleviating depression

Nearly one in five people will experience depression at some point during their lifetimes. Many studies have looked at exercise in reducing the symptoms of depression, and the majority of these studies have shown a positive benefit associated with exercise. More research is needed to further understand the role that endorphins have in treating depression.

Reducing stress and anxiety

Endorphins may play an important role in reducing stress and anxiety. 

Boosting your self-esteem

Positive feelings also make you feel confident and optimistic, thus giving your self-esteem a boost. 

Reducing your weight

The role of endorphins and other hormones in regulating your appetite and food intake is complex. While eating good food is thought in increase endorphin levels, higher levels of endorphins have also been shown in studies to help regulate the appetite. 

Symptoms of endorphin deficiency.

Endorphin deficiency isn’t well understood. In general, if your body isn’t producing enough endorphins, you might experience:

  • depression
  • anxiety
  • moodiness
  • aches and pains
  • addiction
  • trouble sleeping
  • impulsive behavior



author: Donna Hartley