Alec Harvey





Trainer: Alec Harvey

Nick Names: Al

Contact: 0428 673 339

Home Base: SF Central

Role: Personal Trainer


Why are you passionate about the Fitness Industry?

As the saying goes “Practice what you Preach” and that’s exactly the approach I take when it comes to helping my clients reach their goals. I would never make my clients do something I have never put myself through first.

I have been in the industry for 10 years and as a Personal Trainer for 6 years. I started my journey just like anyone else, I know what it like to feel down and unmotivated, to struggle mentally and physically about your health and fitness, to feel anxious about coming to the gym. I’ve been there and I’m here to help you get through it too.


• Strength & Conditioning
• Fat Loss
• Muscle building
• Bodybuilding comp prep
• Flexibility


• Cert 3 Fitness Instructor
• Cert 4 Personal Trainer
• MetaFit & MetaPWR coach