Archive for category: General

Benefits of Ice Baths and Cold Water Therapy

Your first thought when you think about the benefits of Ice baths may be to do with the physical side, but have you heard about the benefits for your mental health? Do you struggle with anxiety or depression? Or maybe you’re feeling stressed and going through a turbulent time in your life. Cold wate...


It’s About Time

Sticking to your exercise regime can be a ‘piece of cake’, thanks to these exercise adherence tips below! The number one EXCUSE for not doing enough exercise is a lack of time. However, the brutal reality is we all get the same 24 hours a day (which, by the way, is 168 hours a week). Whether you exe...


Benefits of Yoga

Yoga has scientifically shown to be beneficial for our physical and emotional health. The list of yoga’s benefits is uncountable. That’s why we decided to list the 8 most impressive benefits that you can gain from doing yoga regularly. Some studies describe that doing yoga for one hour a week over a...