Archive for category: News

Burn Booty Barre Classes at YogaHub

YogaHub’s Burn Booty Barre Classes You might have heard it already, but we would like to proudly introduce to you our ‘Burn Booty Barre’ class! Read further to find out what it is about, benefits and how to get started. The popularity of booty barre classes is internationally incre...


The Key Benefits of Doing Yoga Regularly

Yoga has scientifically shown to be beneficial for our physical and emotional health. The list of key benefits yoga is uncountable. That’s why we decided to list the 8 most impressive benefits that you can gain from doing yoga regularly. Some studies describe that doing yoga for one hour a week over...


Strand Fitness – The Gift of Giving

The Gift of Giving! Christmas About Giving As Receiving! Strand Fitness is very excited to announce that ALL of our cardio equipment from both our CBD and North Shore Clubs is GONE!! Why are we excited you ask? The gift of giving! So, ALL of our Cardio was donated to several charities and non-profit...