
Tap into your brain’s full potential with BrainTap!

BrainTap is the ultimate way to meditate and brain train with guided visualisations, 10-cycle holographic music, isochronic tones, binaural beats, plus the power of light adding to a full experience. 


What is Brain Training?

You may think of meditation as a spiritual practice, sitting cross legged and repeating a mantra to be zen – but that is just a small approach and benefit to meditation. Meditation is a skill, it takes some practice but like any other training, with consistency you will see the benefits! Meditation is to observe thoughts without judgment; rather than turn them off. It also teaches you to be present to the task at hand, with mindfulness. In other words we are “training the brain” to not be so easily distracted by every thought or impulse that passes by. This can help you stay focused on the task at hand and even keep your emotions regulated without getting caught up in weird thoughts and feelings that pop up unexpectedly – instead you are able to stay calm and centred and react rationally or just let it go. 


Benefits of Brain Training and Meditation:

These skills gained through training the brain can help with reducing stress and anxiety with better emotional regulation, improve self discipline, increased pain tolerance, and increasing focus and memory retention. The effects of BrainTaps red and blue LED light also help to enhance your brain’s functions. 


Benefits of Light Therapy

Red light wavelengths have been shown to improve one’s cognitive function – providing benefits for degenerative brain diseases and dementia. Blue light works to manage and regulate emotional and hormonal states which can assist with managing depression, anxiety and SAD by energising the brain and reducing fatigue. 


There are many different units to choose from on the Brain Tap app so that you can work on specific goals/ address specific concerns such as sleep, weight loss, stress, worry, and optimal health with healthy habits. 


Want to work on training your brain? You can find the BrainTap headset at our Strand Fitness Central location. 

author: Marketing Strand