Archive for category: Wellness

The Key Benefits of Doing Yoga Regularly

Yoga has scientifically shown to be beneficial for our physical and emotional health. The list of key benefits yoga is uncountable. That’s why we decided to list the 8 most impressive benefits that you can gain from doing yoga regularly. Some studies describe that doing yoga for one hour a week over...


Inspiring 8 Week Challenge Part 3

The 8 Week Challenge Part 3 Read further about our 8-week challenge finisher. This time, Lisa tells her story. Read about her inspiring success story and her ups and downs during her challenge. & Before you start: Dear Lisa, thank you for sharing your story and congratulations on finishing our 8...


The Inspiring 8 Week Challenge Part 2

Strand Fitness – 8 Week Challenge Part 2 Did you hear about our 8-week challenge? We asked our latest 8-week finishers about their stories and results of their first challenges! We let them tell their stories themselves – enjoy reading and get inspired by their motivation and success!  A...