
Inspiring 8 Week Challenge Part 3

8 Week Challenge Part 3

The 8 Week Challenge Part 3

Read further about our 8-week challenge finisher. This time, Lisa tells her story. Read about her inspiring success story and her ups and downs during her challenge.

& Before you start: Dear Lisa, thank you for sharing your story and congratulations on finishing our 8-week challenge with such great results!


8 Week Challenge Part 3: The Beginning.

”Something had to change. I was 38 and only getting bigger and more unfit (if that was possible). 

When I had just started exercising at the beginning of the year and was going well enough by myself with no real results to speak of – then life got busy, and gym went by the wayside for 4 weeks and I got puffed going up the stairs at home. I couldn’t stay on the path I was on without heading towards some major health issues. I saw the ads for the challenge, got the info and decided to do it.

Figured it was long enough to make a difference, short enough to not lose the plot.

The first weeks.

Now, You don’t get to my age and size and level of fitness without some pretty messed up head stuff about food and exercise and I knew from the word go that food was (and still is) my biggest issue. What I didn’t count on was just how much the first 2 weeks was going to mess my head when it came to exercise too. 

I felt like the most unfit and fattest person in the room in every class and just wanted to give up mid-class, every class. I spent at least 5 minutes crying in the car after each class, mostly just from being so upset with myself for letting my health spiral so far out of control. (Also ouch!!! )

Ups and Downs.

Slowly the tears stopped and by week 3 I was actually looking forward to classes and seeing just how much further, higher, faster or longer I could go. I didn’t puff up the top of the stairs at home – yay!

Not gonna lie, first Hill challenge sucked arse. I was super slow, couldn’t see a damn thing and totally stuffed my back doing burpees at the top. Positives from the Hill challenge were the amazingly helpful and motivating staff and other challenge members.

Week 6 was a massive positive turning point for me.

I did a 60cm box jump, a handstand and made it up the goat track on castle hill with ZERO stops on the way up.  Just to experience that makes everything totally worthwhile for me.

8 Week Challenge Part 3: To sum up.

My attitude has changed and I now find myself scheduling my social life around my exercise life. I have met some amazing women and men who have been fun and awesome to train with. My clothes are heaps looser and I have a lot more energy.

I had a couple of fairly major setbacks in illness and injury but have become so proud of myself for filling in every single signature required on that damn card. Finding myself doing extra classes now, not because I have to, but because I want to. I don’t know what else to write, the staff at strand CBD have been nothing short of amazing.

In addition, I have gained some semblance of control over my own health and wellbeing,

and made the change for the better by taking on the 8 week challenge.”


If you are interested in our 8-week challenge, contact us here or visit our reception at our North Shore or CBD location

author: Donna Hartley