
Incorporating Swimming In Your Workout Routine!

Swimming In Your Workout Routine

Swimming In Your Workout Routine?

Thinking of incorporating swimming in your workout routine? Swimming is a type of cardio that isn’t readily available to the regular gym go-er. Sure you can run, row, or ride a stationary bike, but none of those, provide the same benefits of getting in a pool and doing an awesome pool session. So why should you get out the goggles and swimsuit and shake up your exercise routine?

This, of course, doesn’t mean you need to swim like Ian Thorpe or Grant Hackett, two of Australia’s all-time greatest Olympic swimmers. Just being in the water lowers your resting heart rate by 10 beats-per-minute. No one knows for sure why, but your body is more relaxed before you even start!

Swimming In Your Workout Routine

Well for one, swimming is a low impact form of cardio. So you can get your heart rate up without having to worry about sore knees, bad backs and busted shoulders! By staying afloat in the water, your bones and joints can relax, while your muscles do all the work! There are even various amounts of pool-based exercises prescribed to those with knee, hip and back.

It will also increase your cardio capacity, which will make you better at all forms of cardio! Unless you can breathe underwater, swimming requires you to control your breathing, helping to develop a strong, healthy set of lungs and heart! Improving the cardiovascular system increases makes your body use oxygen more efficiently. This efficiency applies out of the gym as well; whether you’re playing with your kids in the park, or playing a round of footy with your mates- you won’t find yourself out of breath as often.

On top of this, swimming recruits almost every muscle in the body to get you moving. Your arms to pull you through the water, kicking your legs to give yourself an extra push, as well as activating all your mid-line stabilizers (core muscles) to keep you floating and streamline!

Living in a country surrounded by water, everyone learns to swim at a young age. However, it is shocking how many people disregard swimming as a viable exercise method. Find a pool, slap on some goggles and get swimming!


author: strandadmin